The silence of the mystic lambs: Jan van Eyck and André Cauvin’s film about The mystic lamb (1939) 5 January 201914 March 2018 by Sander Pinkse
Reformation, renovation and commemoration: the religious patronage of a Brabantine lord (Zoutleeuw, 1548–58) 5 January 201914 March 2018 by Sander Pinkse
Replicating the sanctity of the Holy Face: Jan van Eyck’s Head of Christ 5 January 201914 March 2018 by Sander Pinkse
The stocklist of Joannes Galle, print publisher of Antwerp, and print sales from old copperplates in the seventeenth century 13 March 2018 by Sander Pinkse
Maurusias & Co.: the influence of Hieronymus Cock’s print series on bookbinding in sixteenth-century Paris 13 March 2018 by Sander Pinkse
Hieronymus Cock’s view of Antwerp (1557): its genesis and offspring, from Antwerp to Italy 13 March 2018 by Sander Pinkse