Ensor in the popular imagination: Paul Haesaerts’s film Masques et visages de James Ensor (1952) 17 December 2020 by Sander Pinkse
A “Raphael” set in stone: Henry Ferguson’s Fantasy landscape with St Charles Borromeo in the Rijksmuseum 29 March 202217 December 2020 by Sander Pinkse
The enterprising Mynken Liefrinck: coloring, printing and selling maps and prints in sixteenth-century Antwerp 29 March 202217 December 2020 by Sander Pinkse
Ordering reliquary statuettes in Tongeren: a statement amidst religious turmoil 17 December 2020 by Sander Pinkse
Quentin Massys and Jérôme de Busleyden: the textual sources and the likely patron of The moneychanger and his wife 29 March 202217 December 2020 by Sander Pinkse